Nowadays, I dried vegetable scraps in the sun on the balcony, instead of using the electric food waste processor I bought before. Sun drying is more eco-friendly.

On the other day a crow came aiming at the dried garbage. Since it was bright sunny day, the shadow of its big beak and fluttering wing was clearly observed through the curtain. It scared me but poor thing! It must have found nothing to eat there. Everything was already dried up.

Last Saturday, then, there was a house lizard in the same place. When I moved a planter tray near the garbage, the small creature was frightened and squirmed its body. I was frightened too. I am really afraid of bugs, insects and reptiles. I wanted it to quickly flee away but it looked like it was stiff with fear. I hit the floor several times with the tray at a distance to move it away. 

If I were a little child, I would enjoy watching the curious creature but after grown up I am somehow scared of those small moving things. 

I hear, however, that house lizard is considered as a beneficial insect or even lucky creature. Its Japanese name is Ya-mori; “Ya” means house and “Mori” means guard. It is timid and venomous, and eats some harmful insects like white ants and cockroaches. 

For those insects, it does not matter whether they are beneficial or harmful for human beings, though. 



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