I am hooked on a nomadic life shown on YouTube. People make everything from scratch. Bringing fresh water from a spring; gathering twigs to make a fire, then make tea or cook meal; kneading the flour and bake bread… Everyone is a hard worker. Children help their parents diligently.

In the videos I have watched, people buy some food ingredients from a local store like grain, oil, seasonings, etc. Some snacks and sweets are also available there. On the other side, they walk in the dangerous mountains and collect edible plants and nuts for their meal. In the river they are fishing. They also keep domestic animals and get fresh milk from them. They do everything by themselves.

They sleep on the ground, sometimes pitch a tent or a make shift camp. They make bricks by kneading soil.

While just watching, I cannot fully understand how hard their life is. It seems that their time pasts slowly. It is heartwarming that all family members work together for everything, like preparing their meals, taking care of domestic animals and creating their own living space. But nomadic people are vulnerable to a bad weather. In a cold and rainy weather some people are walking with bare feet, some wearing sopping jackets. I wonder how they would manage if someone gets sick or injured. The real life is not known in a video.

In our modern life, every one is independent and somehow always hectic, even though we can easily get delicious food and a cozy sleeping place without any problem.
Our world is full of information. It is helpful to live a wise life but we might sometimes be swayed or scared more than necessary. It is amazing to be able to see various lifestyles but it requires a bit attention.



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