An important friend of mine recommended a book to me.

The English title is “Gut: the inside story of our body’s most underrated organ.” It is originally written in German by Giulia Enders and translated into several languages. Luckly, I got Japanese one.

It tells how the gut condition can affect the brain health. It is interesting and very informative. Everyone would have experienced to feel sick when one has stress and anxiety. Meanwhile, the gut sends a lot of information to the brain quietly. If the gut becomes highly sensitive, it cannot transmit the signals properly to the brain.

Of course, the author also describes the gut flora and tells you that your gut microbes can affect your brain. So, how important your daily meal is because it can change your gut flora. 

Last week I blogged about making a habit and my morning routine.

Not every day but I continue doing some more things. Avoiding eating meat as much as possible and eating less fish, which are the main theme of this blog, are among them. I did not know why I thought of doing so but my gut is healthy so it might give me room to think something new.

Recently I found my favorite vegetable bouillon. Nuka-Doko (rice bran bed) keeps changing (or growing?) and the taste of pickles is very good.

Miso I made in the second attempt was more tasty than the first one.

Since I started the blog, more than two months have passed. I gave myself the task of writing in English so I am struggling to do so but hopefully some day I will get used to it and it will become my normal routine. Till then I will continue one by one…