According to the book I introduced in “Make a Habit 2”, about 100 trillion bacteria, which weigh close to two kilograms, live in our gut. They break down food our gut cannot digest, providing nutrients to our body and enhancing our immunity. Food we eat not only gives us energy that our body needs each day but also develops our intestinal flora. 

In February I bought food waste processor. I burry food waste dried with the processor in the soil, and regularly water and mix the soil to make compost. 

It is impossible to confirm how many soil microbes are growing and making the soil rich but in some vague way the color and consistency of the soil appears to be changing. It means developing soil flora, doesn’t it? I wonder if it is too much to say that the similar thing happens in our gut and soil.

In addition, Nukazuke (rice bran pickles) may also be similar. Every day I mix rice bran bed so that it is being fermented including air. Several different bacteria some of which need oxygen are growing in the bed. The color of rice bran is changing darker or brighter.

The taste of Nukazuke pickles is becoming deeper and more tasty. I hope my home made Nukazuke contains lots of nutrition.