Since last Christmas my blog is being updated about twice a week.
I do well if I do say so myself. 

I have never been successful in keeping diary in my whole life. It seemed too difficult for me to continue but I am managing to write once every four or five days and I am pleased with myself.

By the way, this month I started taking anger management lesson of correspondence course.

Anger is a healthy emotion but there are several negative feelings hidden behind anger such as fear, sadness, anxiety, agony. It is important to be coped with in a positive way lest we should be swayed by anger. I am learning some management tips and keeping logbook to put into practice the tips.

The logbook includes both anger log and happy log. For each event I got angry about, the following details are recorded; when and where it happened, how I felt about it, what I did for it, what I expected from others and how strong my anger was, etc.

Unexpectedly, I found myself being not so often angry. The number of bad events I am experiencing every day is much fewer than I expected before I started logbook. I had believed I more often got angry or had negative feelings in a day.

At the same time, I found that there are a great many happy events happening in my normal days, if very small experiences are included. I had not recognized it before this. Keeping logbook reminds me of my happy experiences.

They say that happy events have beneficial effect on negative feeling which can possibly cause anger. Also accumulating small successes gives you confidence.

My understanding is that by increasing the amount of time I feel happy, my anger will be well controlled and accordingly, I will be happier.

This course continues until July. I am sure that I will be even happier than I am now.



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