Vegetables dried in the sun have increased umami and firm texture.

Although some hydro soluble vitamins such as Vitamin C are lost or destroyed through the dehydration process, most of minerals and fibers are retained and Vitamin D, calcium and iron are rather increased.

Sun-drying is important for many of old-style pickles.

Takuan (pickled radish) is dried in the sun and preserved in rice bran and salt.

Umeboshi (pickled plum) is dried in the sun and preserved in salt with red Shiso leaves (Japanese basil).

Kiriboshi Daikon (Dried Radish)

Kiriboshi Daikon is thinly sliced and dried in the sun.

I often buy dried radish at a supermarket and cook them with carrot and Abura-age (deep-fried soybean curd). Soup stock is made from dried Konbu kelp and dried Shiitake mushroom. Seasonings are soy source and sake.

This is one of typical macrobiotic dishes.

Dried radish absorbs the soup and is soft and elastic, very tasty…